Eating Disorders and Body Image/Disordered Eating

Board Certified Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner located in St. Louis Park, MN

About Eating Disorders

Supportive care for people of all ages and their families

Eating Disorders Q&A

"Eating disorders are not a choice, they are not caused by parents, they are not anyone’s fault, and they are not a phase. While they are called “eating” disorders, some of the symptoms involve thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that have nothing to do with food." (

Eating disorders are a complex set of illnesses that affect people of all ages, cultures, genders, and body types. Included in these diagnoses are anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, orthorexia, binge eating disorder and avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder. They can occur on their own or with other disorders. 

Disordered eating, including restrictive and inflexible eating patterns, is common and often encouraged in our society. Obtaining help if you or a family member feel troubled by food and body image issues can help to prevent a full blown eating disorder. In all areas of my practice, I support weight neutral health care, a Health at Every Size (HAES) framework and I advocate for examining societal harms of fatphobia and weight stigma. 

Eating disorder or disordered eating?

I believe that full recovery is possible. Most effective treatment involves a team of providers, including an eating disorder trained dietician, psychotherapy and support for family/caregivers. I have training and additional education in supporting individuals and caregivers (via family-based treatment) through the recovery process.